Category Archives : pound reform

Report of the investigation into the Lost Dogs’ Home 1

Context The Victorian Government has released its report of the audits conducted at the Lost Dogs Home (LDH) sites (you can find it here:  The audit was announced on January 29, 2015. ( following public outrage over the Lost Dogs’s Home killing two little dogs, Fonzie and Scruffy. Fonzie & Scruffy Fonzie (a 2 […]

Scruffy the 5 year old Jack Russell Terrier X was the Lost Dogs' Home dog of the week in November 2012.

A Darebin Council cat who went to the Lost Dogs Home.

The Lost Dogs Home investigation 4

When the Hon. Jaala Pulford, Minister for Agriculture and Regional Development announced that she would request her Department to conduct an investigation of the Lost Dogs Home, the internet went  wild. Animal lovers, rescue groups and advocacy organisations have been agitating for change at the Lost Dogs Home (LDH) for at least a decade and […]

Every letter deserves a reply

There is a letter making its way around rescue groups, ostensibly written by an anonymous “shelter manager” in South Carolina in the US.  It’s one of those internet things that pop-up on Facebook and forums so that everyone can indulge in a bit of recreational outrage. Presumably the author was venting his/her frustration and anger […]
